Elevate Your Startup to New Heights with Our Comprehensive Valuation Services

Know the potential of your startup with our comprehensive startup valuation methodologies trusted by investors worldwide.

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Automated process from getting your business details through answering 45 questions in easy form in 20 mins only!

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Get an automated valuation report for your company using 6 global valuation methods

Available in 2 Languages

You will get the report in English and Arabic to share it with all stakeholders

Startup Valuation

Get a trusted and reliable startup valuation with our unique methodologies.

Our startup valuation process is designed to save you time and produce accurate results. We use Venture Capitalist and Future Cash Flow methods to give you a valuation that your investors will trust. Plus, our reports are available in both Arabic and English.

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Valuation Methods

Our Methodology

ScoreCard Method

This method compares the target company to typical angel-funded startup ventures and adjusts the median valuation of recently funded companies in the region to establish a pre-money valuation of the target

Checklist Method

The method is based on the assumption that startups should be valued by comparing them to other companies with similar characteristics. The method splits the maximum valuation into five criteria. Each criterion represents a different aspect of a company. These aspects are then added together to get an overall valuation.


The Berkus Method is a straightforward model solely based on qualitative aspects. This makes it a traditional way to value pre-revenue startups. The technique delivers a rough valuation estimate.

Venture Capital Method

The venture capital method reflects the process of investors, where they are looking for an exit within 3 to 7 years. First, an expected exit price for the investment is estimated. From there, one calculates back to the post-money valuation today taking into account the time and the risk the investors take.

Discounted Cash Flow Method

The terminal value is calculated as the value of free cash flow to the equity that a company will generate after the projected period, assuming survival and steady growth.

Multiples Method

Multiple assumes that a startup's terminal value is the realized amount of its exit at the end of the projected period. As a result, fewer additional assumptions about the company's future course beyond the forecasted years are required

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Our simple process involves answering a set of questions prepared by our experts and submitting them to receive your report. There is no need for human interaction, and reports are automatically generated and delivered as soon as you finish submitting the survey.

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We are from the region, and we speak the region’s language

Save time and money with our accelerated process and 6 industry-leading methods.

Exitval is the first company to generate your credible business evaluation reports both in English and Arabic. So you can communicate with your investors the way they prefer it, simple and easy.

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Don't waste time and money on unreliable valuation methods. Trust our expert-approved methods and automated processes to give you the real value of your business

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